Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I have a confession to make... I am a lurker. I read various discussion boards (sports, food, etc.) and NEVER comment. I check other posts and come up with my own opinion but I never let anyone else know what it is. Even with Facebook, which I am a member, my profile is as limited as it can be and I relish in reading other people's more extensive profiles. As I reflect on my behaviour, this may be why it has taken me awhile to get used to blogging. As much as I enjoy the Internet, I have a hard time actively participating in it.
After reading Let's Get More Positive About the Term 'Lurker' by Jacquie McDonald, I am left with mixed feelings about lurking. Is lurking sneaky? Or is it realistic since like McDonald says, in order to stay relevant you need to constantly check what is going on. Sporadic attendance leads to lurking. With the fast paced lives that we live, is it possible to constantly check out new posts every time they come in? How can lurkers become participants? Is there any way for me to change... and do I want to??

Friday, February 16, 2007

Continued from Class

I can't remember where I read this but someone famous was interviewed and said that within the first 30 seconds of meeting someone, they had decided whether or not they wanted to continue talking to them. This means that what someone is saying does not make as big an impression as their appearance and physical presence. At least not for first impressions.
I feel that online, people have a chance to be given more than 30 seconds to make a good impression.